Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Bridge

Psalm 94:18-19
New Living Translation (NLT)

 18 I cried out, “I am slipping!”
      but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me.
 19 When doubts filled my mind,
      your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.

As I continue to blog, I notice that a lot of it is about human struggles. (generally mine!)  This may seem negative at first glance, but what it really is, is the notation of the infinite distance between God and man that is bridged by His unfailing love and mercy.

Life is not perfect, sometimes things just don't go the way you planned. Gaining growth and maturity in one's life is sometimes a painful process.  But how awesome to know that when we are "slipping" or feel like we just can't hold on any longer, we can count on the Almighty God for support, comfort, hope and cheer.  

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Psalm 36:5-11
Today's New International Version (TNIV)

5 Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the skies.
6 Your righteousness is like the highest mountains,
your justice like the great deep.
You, LORD, preserve both people and animals.
7 How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!
People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
8 They feast on the abundance of your house;
you give them drink from your river of delights.
9 For with you is the fountain of life;
in your light we see light.
10 Continue your love to those who know you,
your righteousness to the upright in heart.
11 May the foot of the proud not come against me,
nor the hand of the wicked drive me away.

I don't really have any words to add to these scriptures.  I am so thankful for God's faithfulness and love and care. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Psalm 16:8
Today's New International Version (TNIV)

8 I keep my eyes always on the LORD.
   With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

This makes me think of Peter when he was called by Jesus to come out onto the stormy water.  The storm was raging, the waves must have seemed overwhelming, but as long as Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, he was steady.  It is a reminder to stay focused on Him regardless of life's circumstances.  The Anchor holds.

Friday, August 19, 2011


Psalm 147:3
New King James Version (NKJV)

 3 He heals the brokenhearted
         And binds up their wounds.

Ever have an owie?  As a mom, one of my jobs has been to kiss them and make them better.  Now, granted, haven't done that for a while now, but I can remember making a few owie's feel better by just a kiss.  (And generally, it was an instant healing!)   But you know how sometimes kids don't want you to touch the owie for fear it will make it hurt worse?

Well, most everyone has experienced an emotional "owie" a time or two, give or take a few hundred, right?  From a misunderstanding with a friend to outright malicious acts by someone.  All of it hurts.  But you can't see it.  And it is so easy to put a virtual bandaid on it and move on with your life.  You can pretty much fool everyone, including yourself, sometimes, that it doesn't bother you.  But...if you've ever surrendered your life to God, or prayed for Him to guide your path...He will.  And it can only include the emotional healing that probably all of us can use. 

A very wise person reminded me recently that wounds that get "bandaided" and never really taken care aren't a pretty sight.  In fact, if you go to take the bandaid off, the wound is going to be worse than when you put the bandaid on.  And the cleaning or cleansing process is painful! 

So, whether an emotional wound is recent or it's been festering for a while, God can heal it.  And while the process might be painful, I bet we can count on Him to be gentle and loving.  I will be humble enough to admit I have a few that need His attention.  And I will trust in His process, however painful, and let Him heal.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Letting Go

Proverbs 22:6
New Living Translation (NLT)

6 Direct your children onto the right path,
and when they are older, they will not leave it.

Spending the last full day with my firstborn before he will be "moving out".   Makes me stop and really think about so much.  So many memories.  As mentioned before in this blog, from his birth until now I have not forgotten much of anything.  All these memories are stored up in my mother's heart and they bring smiles and tears.  (Sometimes my smiles were because of his childish tears.  Sometimes my tears were because of his childish smiles.)  Children really do a number on ya...but for sure, I wouldn't trade any of it for anything.  How could one?  The thought is not original with me, but when you see my kids, you see my heart.  (And any mother reading this knows exactly what I am feeling.) 

Now, the transition I am experiencing is still a little painful as I wonder how it will feel to not be the last one checking on him everyday.  I'll figure it out and adjust.  My love for him is greater than my need to be in control.  So, even though when I look at him I still tend to see that chubby little blonde headed baby, I will let him go.  My control will be turned over to God and my prayers will be continually before Him.

Son, I'm so proud of you.  My heart almost bursts because of the potential I can see as you start this journey.  I love you!


Proverbs 15:1
New Living Translation (NLT)

1 A gentle answer deflects anger,
but harsh words make tempers flare.

There are so many scriptures about the mouth and what it can do.  To me, this one pretty much sums it all up.  Anyone out there with control issues?  Here is something you can have control over!  We can control just about any given situation with how we use our words.  Think about it.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Job 1:21
New Living Translation (NLT)

21 He said,
   “I came naked from my mother’s womb,
      and I will be naked when I leave.
   The Lord gave me what I had,
      and the Lord has taken it away.
   Praise the name of the Lord!”

Triumph over tragedy.  These kinds of stories are always so inspiring.  The tale of someone who has overcome a tragic or adverse situation.  For most of us, we are in awe at the enduring human will and ability to rise above extreme situations.

Job is the Bible example of this story.  I'm sure he had no idea what had just hit him.  His entire world was turned upside down and then trampled all over.  Then the one person you would've thought he could count on, told him to give up and die!  To her, that evidently seemed a better alternative than the hell he was experiencing.  (An interesting thing to point out here is that Job evidently assumed that God was the one responsible for the tragedy of his life.)

Anyway, Job was a good person.  He believed in God.  He lived his life the best he knew how.  He hadn't done anything to deserve the tragedy that had become his life.  Does this sound familiar to anyone? 

Now, I don't know anyone, including myself, who has had it as bad as Job.  Certainly, I have never had everything I owned taken away.  I have never been bereft of family or support of friends.  So, isn't it rather interesting when we might run into a hard situation or circumstance, we start to question God?  And inform Him of how good we are.  How we believe in Him and we are doing the best we can.  And we don't deserve this situation! 

I kind of smile sheepishly to myself as I think how easy we have things and yet find something to complain about.  (Come on...I know I'm not alone here!)  I can't help but be reminded of Job and his story of triumph.  The triumph wasn't because his family rescued him or he found the just the right situation or person or thing or church.  Nope, he triumphed because he when he found himself at his lowest point, he did what he knew to do.  He worshipped the Creator.  He had found that place of worship that excluded everything else in his life. 

I know I still have a long way to go.  But I want to find that same place of worship.  Where even my little circumstances and situations are secondary to the worship He deserves.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Love My Enemies?!

Matthew 5:44
New Century Version (NCV)

44 But I say to you, love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you.[a]

Ack!  I knew this post was coming at some point in my blog life.  I have to be honest and say that I've put it off a little as this has to be one of the hardest things for me to do!  I've always wondered about this scripture.  Seriously?  Love an enemy?  Pray for someone who has been a jerk? 

Well, of course, everyone knows that we were told do this by the One who ended up giving His own life for His enemies...which included you and I.  You can't argue with that.  You just have to figure it out! 

As I said, I've always wondered about how one would apply this scripture.  'Cause, I can tell you right now, I do not have warm, fuzzy feelings for any "enemy" or anyone who has done me wrong.  And my prayer just might be, God, give 'em what they deserve.  So...I think I've actually just tried to avoid this scripture altogether because I just didn't see how I could do that.

How can I love that person...or that one...?  Really, God?  You created me.  You know I can't love those people.  You know I want justice!  And I know that is wrong!  Help!  Through this internal struggle it did finally come to me.  Love in this scripture just simply means - to not hold someone accountable for what they did.  This doesn't mean they aren't accountable, it's just not me that has to keep track of it.  When I let go of it, God can have the control of it.  They are accountable to Him.  Which makes it much easier to pray for them.  (At that point, they're gonna need it!) 

So, at least I figured it out.  Now on to trying it out.