Matthew 5:48
Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
I am perfect. Yes, me. The faulty, flawed, defective human that I am. I am perfect.
I've spent the majority of my life trying so hard to be perfect, too. And always feeling like a huge failure because, of course, just like most everyone else, I'm human. Which means I have flaws and defects - real and perceived. I look into my life and I see mistakes and wrong turns. I look in the mirror and I see flaws. How could I ever be perfect.
Having heard the scripture about being perfect like God is perfect, I have always felt like I was carrying around such a heavy load of hopelessness underneath my seemingly poor attempts at perfection. Live like that for too long and you start feeling like maybe your walk with God is a façade. Maybe everyone else has figured out how to be perfect while you do your best to "fake it 'til you make it."
Well, not all that long ago, God used the little e-Sword app on my phone to speak to me about this perfection thing. It was a simple tapping on the reference number next to the word perfect. The original Greek word is teleios, which basically means complete. Complete.
Complete. Let that sink in for a moment.
It's almost like God was saying to me - don't worry, I just want to be your everything, and if I am, you are perfect...complete in Me. That huge weight of hopelessness fell off my shoulders as my understanding became complete...perfect.
In Colossians 2:10 it says that we are "complete in Him." Interestingly enough, my e-Sword app says the word complete here also means perfect. I need no further convincing of my own perfection. I do know who I am in Jesus. I am His and He is mine. I am complete in Him. I am perfect.