Matthew 22:36-40
He said, “Teacher, which command in the law is the most important?” Jesus answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and most important command. And the second command is like the first: Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself. All of the law and the writings of the prophets take their meaning from these two commands.”
Anyone remember this old Sunday School song?
J-O-Y, J-O-Y,
this is how we sing
Jesus first,
yourself last,
and others in-between
I find it interesting and a little scary that a simple little child's song, seemingly so innocent and lovely, can be so anti-scriptural. I'm afraid that the church world has too easily skimmed through the scriptures above, focusing only on the parts that showcased its religion. This gives some explanation as to why we now have a whole generation of people talking about emotional, mental and spiritual health.
You can see, if you slow it down a little, the scripture clearly indicates that we should love ourselves before we love our neighbor. In fact, I would suggest that it is imperative! (it is a commandment, after all) And yet, generations of children have been taught to put themselves last and to count themselves unworthy. This goes against scriptural commandments! God has made us in His own image, fearfully and wonderfully - I think He has expected that children are taught this, that they should have that sense of worth instilled into them, that they should know how to love themselves - so that they know how to love their neighbor.
Clearly, God's system and commands have been broken by us humans, and our emotion, mental and spiritual health has suffered as a result. We need to teach our children their worth - to us, to God. This is how they learn to love themselves and are able to see the worth and value in someone else.
If one is an adult and you have never seen your worth and value - it is not too late. God wants to show you who you are to Him. He sees you and He loves you.
Love Jesus. Love Yourself. Love Others. ❤
I believe this is right